Sign up TODAY for a FREE, 8-week, email Bible Study from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda's latest book entitled, “Slaying Dragons”.
“It’s easy to lose sight of the big picture as we focus on our everyday struggles. But our daily battles are part of a much bigger war and we have been given all we need to win.”
– Daniel Kolenda

The supernatural realm is very real, and it directly impacts our day-to-day lives. Often spiritual battles lie behind our everyday struggles. Though the spiritual world is invisible, we are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes. Through God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit we are equipped to be more than conquerors through Christ!
We believe that by the end of this series, you will have a clearer understanding of spiritual warfare and what you can do to slay every dragon you encounter!
This 8-week, series is 100% FREE, so SIGN UP BELOW!
Bible Study from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Christ For All Nations