A Tale of Three Dreams

Christ for all Nations - 2020 Video Recap



A Year of Miracles

Together we have reached over 80,029,661 and together, we are looking to reach another 70 million souls in the next decade!

A Tale of Three Dreams

*As of December, 2020

A Tale of Three Dreams

I want to tell you the story of three dreams: two of them actual, literal dreams in the night. Both of them came to Reinhard Bonnke in two very different seasons of life; the first when he was very young, just starting out in ministry, and the other near the end of his ministry.

The first dream is well known, the other is not. But both, I believe, are highly prophetic. These two dreams are like golden bookends that encapsulate the life and legacy of one of God’s greatest generals. But moreover, they lead us to a third dream that I want to share with you — my dream.

Watch the video

Dream One

"Africa Shall Be Saved"

One night, in 1972, Reinhard Bonnke had a dream, where he saw a gigantic map of the African continent. And as he watched, it became washed in the precious blood of Jesus — from south to north and from west to east. Then he heard a mighty voice cry, “From Cape Town to Cairo, all Africa shall be saved!” and he woke up. He was shaken. What a wonderful dream! But then as his logical German brain caught up to him, he thought to himself, “My ministry has no impact in this tiny little nation.

Now I hear all of Africa will be saved? Something is wrong. I must have eaten some bad bananas.” But Reinhard had that same dream the next night and the next and the one after. And after night number four, he said to his wife, “Anni, I think God is trying to tell me something.” In response to that dream, Christ for all Nations was born. Reinhard Bonnke, together with his wife Anni and their small children, embarked on an adventure that would see millions of people come to Christ and multitudes more empowered and equipped to preach the gospel. “Africa Shall be Saved” became a battle cry for Reinhard Bonnke and a phrase that came to be synonymous with his life and the ministry of Christ for all Nations. During Reinhard’s life, his ministry saw more than 75-million people come to Christ in a thirty-year window; between 1987 – 2017 and by the time he died a couple years later, that number had reached 79 million — one million salvations, on average, for every year of his life! What an amazing legacy!

Dream Two

"Dream Two A Forerunner"

In 2012 Reinhard Bonnke and I were both preaching at the BFP Annual Convention in Germany. In the night he had a dream that he shared with me the next morning at breakfast and then repeated that evening at the conference. He said that his dream was so real, he wasn’t sure if he was asleep or awake. In fact, he didn’t know if it was a dream or a vision. He said he was projected into the future where he overheard two personalities talking. They were discussing amazing things going on in the world at that time.

But there was one thing of particular interest. One of the voices asked, “What ever happened to Reinhard Bonnke?” The reply was this, “Oh, Reinhard Bonnke was just the forerunner of a whole generation of Holy Spirit evangelists.” Then he woke up. Reinhard lived with an awareness that he needed to impart something to the next generation for the sake of this great coming harvest. That’s why he wrote books, produced media, held Fire Conferences and preached relentlessly. During the last few years of his life, one of his favorite themes was, “Passing the torch to the next generation.” He preached about it often as he visited many countries for the last time. And this is where we come to my dream.

Dream Three

Daniel Kolenda's Dream

In 2017, the Lord began to speak to me about the upcoming decade as a “Decade of Double Harvest.” I had no idea at the time that Reinhard Bonnke would pass away less than a month before the beginning of the decade.

What I felt in my heart is that over the next ten years or so, God would double the number of souls saved to over 150 million. In other words, He would do in the next ten years what had taken the previous 30 combined! It would be a supernatural acceleration of the harvest in this critical hour of history. But that double harvest is not the dream. That acceleration will simply be the catalyst for an exponentially greater harvest, perhaps the greatest evangelistic movement the world has ever known. It will propel “a whole new generation of Holy Spirit evangelists” into the fields before Jesus returns!

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Reinhard Bonnke

Passing the Torch

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda

A Forerunner

Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda


A team of evangelists visited schools, preaching to the next generation!

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda


By training, equipping, and launching thousands of evangelists

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda

Gospel Trucks

Decade of Double Harvest

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda

School Outreaches

School Outreach with our Bootcamp Graduates.

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda

Now you might ask, how is this possible? Do you plan to have larger crusades? Or more crusades? Well, while we’re on the subject, the answer to that is actually, Yes! I do believe we are going to see the largest crusades we have ever seen. The Lord has given us some very specific direction on that, and we are already seeing a stirring on the ground in Africa as never before. Also, we are dramatically increasing the number of crusades in Africa. The most we have ever conducted in a year is 8 crusades. In 2020, the first year of the Double Harvest Strategy, we have increased to 13 crusades!

The next year we will increase to 23 crusades and the following year we will work to nearly double it again with 43 crusades — in one year! These are CfaN Gospel Crusades in Africa where I will personally preach. As exciting as all of this is, the Lord showed me that the exponential increase would come, not simply through addition (CfaN conducting more crusades and bigger crusades), but through multiplication. The two words that the Lord gave me, the words that are ringing in my heart, the keys to seeing this dream of a world-wide harvest become reality are these: MULTIPLY and COLLABORATE!

"From dreams to fulfillment…"

Crusade CfaN


February 13th - 16th, 2020

Our first major outreach of 2020 was a return to Warri, Nigeria, where we had not visited since 2013. During the four-day crusade, we saw 305,530 documented decisions for Christ!

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda

Warri, Nigeria Crusade Report and Gallery


Wednesday, February 5th our crusade technical team arrived in Warri, Nigeria! The team traveled from Lagos, Nigeria to Warri, Nigeria and we praise God for their safe travels. Volunteers from local churches will serve alongside our team to unpack the large semi-trucks filled with the equipment for our stage, giant screens, sound towers, lights and more!

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team


Watch the Arrival Update from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda!

The last few days have been a whirlwind. Much has happened with a couple things I’ve never seen before.

At the moment I am stranded, together with several other CfaN team members along with Eddie James and his team, in Lagos, Nigeria. Our crusade this week is in the city of Warri, but an extraordinary dust storm has reduced visibility to almost nothing and major airlines ceased operation until further notice. Most of our team has been traveling for several days having been diverted to various African and Middle Eastern nations. Some flights even returned home! Our team has been relentless, refusing to go home. We have pressed forward, one flight at a time, sleeping on the floor in airports, standing in lines for flights only for them to be cancelled. Finally, when all else failed, we flew with small local operators in terrible conditions, putting our own safety at risk to be here. Most of our team has been traveling for three or four days straight! We had hoped to make it, by some miracle, before the first night of the crusade started. But that was tonight and we are still in Lagos.

The bad news is that we missed the first meeting. Amazingly, however, more than 70,000 people turned up on the first night! I preached the Gospel on the huge screens by way of video! When we were raising funds for those screens, I never imagined they would eventually play such a vital role. Tomorrow we will press on to Warri and, God willing, be present for the meeting tomorrow in person.

Also, another first: Saturday I was in Brazil for The Send. I know that many of you know about this. It has been very visible on social media the last few days. For those that might not be aware, The Send is a collaboration, led by seven ministries of which CfaN is one. When we first decided to go to Brazil, we rented the largest stadium in Sau Paulo (Morumbi Stadium which seats 70,000 people). When registrations opened, it sold out in 6 hours, beating the stadiums previous record for sell-out time! We decided to rent the second largest stadium in the same city. It sold out in three days. We took the leap of faith to rent a third stadium in Brasilia – the capital. On February 8th I preached in three stadiums in two cities within 8 hours – something I have never done before! While driving to the second stadium, the Lord gave me the words of Amos 9:13:

“’Behold, the days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.’”

These are the days of harvest. What we have seen so far is only the beginning. The days are coming when we will look back on what God did in the past and realize that it pales in comparison. I believe it with all my heart – the best is yet to come!

Thank you for praying for us and standing with us. Please continue as we press forward in Jesus’ name!

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team


Watch the video below!

Several years ago, at a School of Evangelism in London, during a Q&A session, a student asked Reinhard Bonnke what was the secret to the success of Christ for all Nations. I thought Reinhard might say something about anointing, prayer, wisdom or powerful preaching. Instead his answer was very different. He responded with one word: “Perseverance.”

This week, my respect and admiration for the CFAN team has gone to a whole new level. I have seen a level of commitment and perseverance that is difficult to grasp unless you’re here to witness it. We have all had a thousand good reasons to turn back. But every last one pressed forward without wavering.

These have been the most challenging travel conditions any of us have ever seen. Even our travel agent said in her 25-years of doing her job, she’s never seen anything like it. This morning our last connection was canceled yet again, so we piled into cars/vans and drove for 8-hours. We finally arrived by car in Warri, Nigeria for the Gospel Crusade just minutes before it began. This is the first crusade of the year and the first one held since Evangelist Bonnke’s passing. But I am sure, he is smiling in heaven to see that we are still persevering against all odds for the sake of the Gospel.

Because many of us missed last night’s meeting, I wondered if the crowd would return. Imagine my surprise when we arrived at the crusade field to find over 120,000 people gathered! Eddie James, and his team took the stage, without a sound check, without rehearsal and blew everyone away. Obviously they had been part of the convoy that was traveling for days and arrived in Warri just as the crusade was starting. I know they were tired, but they led with passion. They were powerful and anointed and led us all into the presence of God.

I must admit, I felt like I was In a daze all night from sheer exhaustion. Even now as I write, it’s all I can do to keep my eyes open. Yet, despite my personal physical weakness, God moved powerfully tonight. Many thousands responded to the Gospel, deaf ears opened, a bullet lodged in a man’s chest from a gunshot disappeared, a man’s hernia was healed and many other miracles took place - much more than we could interview.

Tomorrow, we will begin again with renewed strength. Please continue to pray for us and for Warri and, as we continue to record and share all that God is doing here, don't miss any of the amazing photos, videos and reports.

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team


Tonight was very special. It started when I arrived on the field and heard from the crusade chairman about a report circulating around town. Last night, while I was praying for the sick, I saw a crippled man being powerfully touched by God in his seat. I went down to pray for him. While I was down there, a mother put a dead baby in my arms. She had been brought by the doctor for prayer. The baby’s little eyes were rolled back in its head, its body was limp and smelled very bad. I held the baby for a short time and then gave the body, still limp, back to the mother. The chairman told me that later that night, the baby resurrected! The word has spread all around. We are trying to find the mother now. I want to see firsthand what has happened.

Then I got word that another woman was present who had been healed 31 years ago when CfaN came to Warri in 1989. I was not there, but Peter Vandenberg, who witnessed the miracle firsthand says.

“One night a young girl of fourteen years of age came to the crusade meeting as she had heard that people were being healed in answer to prayer. Her need was great because she had been involved in an accident some years before that had resulted in many broken bones, and because of delayed medical attention, the broken bones had set at grotesque angles. This caused her to walk with great difficulty as her body was permanently bent over to the left side.

At the crusade meeting Reinhard Bonnke had, as usual, prayed for the sick after the gospel altar call and she came forward right after that to testify that during the prayer, her bones had cracked loudly and suddenly she was able to stand upright and walk with ease. She demonstrated this on the platform to the joyful crowd.

The next day when she went to school, her class was in uproar when they saw what God had done for her. It wasn’t long before the news spread across the whole school and all classes stopped for the day as students rushed to see the miracle that had taken place in her body.”

I decided that I would open the meeting tonight by sharing these testimonies. I had intended just to encourage the people with what God has done and then preach and pray for the sick at the end (as usual). But once the woman had shared her testimony, the faith level of the people was very high, and I could sense that the power of the Lord was present to heal. So, I started praying for the sick right away and miracles started happening all over the place!

Several blind eyes and deaf ears opened (about half a dozen each). A number of cripples walked. One woman, 21-years-old, had been deaf in her right ear since birth. She was healed tonight and can now hear perfectly! A couple lifelong severe asthmatics were completely healed. Both were very emotional, weeping as they could breathe deeply and freely for the first time in their lives!

Many other healings also took place – before I had even preached the gospel. I reassured the pastors and theologians on the platform that this was not unbiblical. Even Jesus was known as mighty in word and deed (in that order) and Luke tells us in Acts 1:1 about all the things Jesus began to do and teach (in that order). Sometimes it is ok for the demonstration to come first and the message to follow. There was a wonderful response to the Gospel and many came to Christ.

Also, because we missed the first day of the crusade I had to make up for lost time tonight. I broke the curses by name, we burned fetishes and all manner of “juju” and I prayed for the people to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. There was a rich and wonderful sense of the presence of the Lord throughout.

Tomorrow is the final meeting here. Please continue to pray for us. The best is yet to come.

Yours in the Gospel,
Evangelist Daniel Kolenda
Together with the whole CfaN team


Watch the recap from the final night in Warri, Nigeria!

This evening was the final meeting of the crusade in Warri, Nigeria and the excitement of what God has been doing all week was evident as from early on tens of thousands of people began converging on the field. This same excitement greeted us when we arrived, with leading Bishops and Pastors crowding around us to report with sparkling eyes that during this day, which is Sunday, their churches were filled to capacity with new converts. The Chairman of the crusade stressed that this happened in not just some but in all the many participating churches.

As the meeting began, the crowd of 200,000 people sang praises to the Lord which culminated in joyful celebration when the two steel drums filled with witchcraft items that had been surrendered by new converts, was set on fire. The feeling of freedom and deliverance in the air was almost palpable as many literally danced a victory dance around the burning drums.

Right after this celebration, Daniel Kolenda took the microphone and began to preach the gospel with power and authority. I stood in the crowd listening during the message and I was deeply moved by the impact that his words were having on the people. By the time it came to the call for salvation, I could hear hundreds of people right around me crying out to the Lord for forgiveness and for his salvation. It was definitely a moment recorded in heaven as thousands of councilors began filling out the convert’s details and handing them their follow-up booklets.

As in every meeting, Daniel then prayed for those needing a healing in Jesus’ name and after the prayer people who had felt the healing touch of the Lord were invited to move toward the platform to share their new testimonies.

A man who had suffered from ear pain with discharge for ten years, was instantly healed. He came to show us all what had happened.

A woman who had severe sight impairment because of cataracts in both eyes, was completely healed and demonstrated her clear vision.

A woman who had restricted movement in her right arm since the age of six, was healed and rejoiced because she now had full movement.

As the meeting came to a close with a prayer of blessing for the nation of Nigeria and it’s leaders, the team and the great crowd felt the sadness of parting but also the joy of seeing what the Lord had done during these historic days together.

As we drove away from the field, tired but happy, we thought of the unimaginable difficulties that the whole team had gone through to get to the city of Warri due to weather related airline diversions. But on reflection, these waned into insignificance in the light of the avalanche of salvation, healing and deliverance that resulted from the team’s perseverance in pushing through when it looked impossible.

We thank all of you who have prayed and are praying for us, and who have enabled us financially to do this event. You will share in the harvesters reward and the rejoicing in heaven.

Peter Vandenberg
On behalf of Daniel Kolenda and the whole CfaN team

CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda
CfaN Crusade - Daniel Kolenda


Graduation 2020

2020 saw the graduation of our first Evangelism Bootcamp students. Daniel Kolenda and guest speakers trained more than 50 evangelists at our ministry headquarters in Orlando, Florida! They attended class, pressed in to the presence of God, organized and led outreaches around the Orlando area, worked with local churches, and gleaned from renowned guest teachers, in addition to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, and key members from the Christ for all Nations team. Over 50, incredible men and women of God, from around the world, successfully made it through the intense training. From September 15 to October 2, 2020, the graduates traveled to Tanzania for their Bootcamp Initiation tri and to put their training to use in preaching the Gospel!

for the Decade of Double Harvest
by Daniel Kolenda.

Over the next ten years, we will train, equip and launch 20,000 evangelists for mass evangelism all over the world. Soon a two-year training program will be a prerequisite for the Bootcamp, but right now we are looking for an elite group.

Bootcamp Initiation: Tanzania 2020

Follow the first Bootcamp graduates as they preach the Gospel in multiple cities in Tanzania!


Watch the recap video for week 1 in Tanzania.

In the dry, dusty conditions outside of Arusha, the Gospel is going forth and bringing life to people! Matias said, “We’re inhaling dust and exhaling the Gospel.” Our Gospel trucks are able to take the Bootcamp Graduates and evangelists into the remote places to reach the lost and hurting.

Recent Bootcamp Graduates have hit the ground in Tanzania!
They have been trained, equipped, mentored, and now the final part of their training is here: Bootcamp Initiation! For the next 3 weeks, graduates will be conducting outreaches and ministering as a part of CfaN’s vision for multiplication of evangelists and the Decade of Double Harvest! We are just getting started, so be sure to check back often for updates and recaps of all that God is doing in Tanzania through these powerful men and women of God over the next few weeks.

Orientation Day
Not your average evangelism orientation! Hear from Levi Stewart, the Christ for all Nations Administrative Dean, as he describes what happened when the fire-filled evangelists prepared to go out and preach the Gospel!

This is no coincidence! Recent Bootcamp Graduate Kole Purdy and colleagues met local Tanzanians who pointed out a clock tower to them, marking the halfway point between Capetown and Cairo. Evangelist Bonnke’s vision for a blood-washed Africa from Capetown to Cairo is being fulfilled as we continue in the harvest of souls with a new generation of evangelists!

Evangelists are working together to minister and conduct outreaches in marketplaces, schools, and on the streets. This video shows only one of several teams on the ground. Please continue praying the Holy Spirit guides all their planning as they go out to preach and pray for the sick!

Testimony of Cathy Ferguson, September 15th
“As we make our way up a bumpy, rocky path (as I hesitate to call it a road), we come upon a school near the top. I thought to myself that this is going to be a small group, as there could not possibly be many kids this far up. Boy, I was wrong! This school had 1700 kids. Unbelievable! I have never spoken in front of a crowd this big before. When I preached, I spoke of redemption, using a bird cage story. The kids loved it and responded well throughout the story. It looked like all of the children had raised their hands and prayed the salvation prayer. As I stood there and looked out at a sea of tiny, precious children, I lost my breath for a moment. I then thought of Reinhard Bonnke, and thought that this is what he saw while here in Africa. He most likely stood here in a similar spot. This thought overwhelmed me! I felt so thankful to Daniel Kolenda for keeping the torch burning, and for training others as Reinhard had trained him. I felt humbled that I was trained to be here.”

Testimony of Bill Ferguson, September 15th
“As we went out to the market on our first day, we had to find our own translator. At first, it seemed very hard to find someone, but we eventually all found someone within the first 2 hours. It was amazing to see to see people responding to the Gospel positively.  Our leader had just told us that this was the last market that we would be visiting for the day, and that we only had one hour left to minister. As we were sharing the gospel and praying for people, an older gentleman came over to us. Our interpreter said the man was ‘partly blind’ and had a pain in one leg. My teammate prayed for him, however he was not healed. We were about to leave him and move onto someone else, when suddenly the Holy Spirit spoke to me. In the gospel there was a blind man that was on the side of the road and shouting out, ‘Jesus, Son of David,’ two times. As a result he was healed by Jesus. I shared that story with the older man. I told him that the same Jesus that healed that blind man is the same Jesus that is here to heal you. When I covered both his eyes with my hands, I had him cry out twice: ‘JESUS, SON OF DAVID,’ two times. He flew backwards by the power of the Holy Spirit and landed on the dirt road and dust flew up where he landed. He laid there with his eyes closed, not moving at all. My first thought was that ‘I hope he is still alive,’ as he was not moving. I went over and grabbed his hand and pulled him up. We walked back and forth thanking Jesus that he could now see. All kinds of people encircled us.  I told my teammate to preach the gospel to them and he did. We witnessed 27 salvations there and many more healings. So thankful and amazed for all the training that I received from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the Bootcamp training. I am blessed to be part of the vision that Reinhard Bonnke had that Africa shall be saved.”

Testimony of Robbie Leaf, September 15th
“The final market stop on the way back to Arusha was for an hour, but boy, did we make that hour count for Jesus. Bill and I talked to a few people within a heavily traveled area of the market. A few people became curious about the lighter skinned gentlemen praying for people, and this man with a noticeable limp and a blind eye walked up to us to ask for prayer. We ministered to him and prayed for him, and the Holy Spirit knocked this man off his feet! People all around us had shocked and astounded looks in their eyes and faces, and a bit of a crowd began to gather around us to see what was happening. Then Bill points at me and tells me that now is the time to preach the Gospel! So in front of this curious crowd of people, I preach a quick Gospel message. As a result, 27 people gave their lives to Jesus and filled out decision cards for further follow-up! Hallelujah!!!”

Testimony of John Denis, September 15th
“As we were walking on the main road of the market we noticed a local clinic. We asked for permission from the security guard if we could pray there and they said yes. We prayed for the crowed for healing in the name of Jesus, but nothing happened as the people stared back at us. The head doctor and her coworker pulled Nico and I off into an examination room. We thought we were going to pray for more sick patients or get reprimanded, but the doctors themselves asked us to pray for them. We prayed for fire to fall upon them and for the sickness of a tumor to get out. The doctor began to shout that she felt an intense heat all throughout her body. We told her that she was feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit and do not be afraid. They thanked us for the prayers and wanted us to come back to pray for more patients. We continued to pray with several other patients, and they also received healing. One lady specifically was healed of from pain in her feet. In Tengeru. A Muslim young man named Hamzal came up to me asking me questions about Jesus. I shared the gospel and showed very plainly how Jesus was the Son of God. However, I was in need of a translator, and he spoke such good English, I asked him to come along with me to help. He agreed and that day he helped me preach the gospel many times to hundreds of people. I asked him to help out the next day as well. Once again, he was my translator, a Muslim helping me, a preacher of the gospel to bring Jesus to the people. On the third day, as we went forth, a man who was totally blind in his right eye approached us. He told us he has been blind since he was a boy because he was beaten very badly. I told him today Jesus will open your eye and you will see. I prayed, and he said covering his good eye, he saw outlining of shapes. I prayed again and he said now things more defined up close. I prayed again and he said he saw the whole light of the sun. It was glorious miracle. As we walked away, Hamzal said to me, 'now I see this miracle I am ready to receive Jesus.' I prayed with him as he was visibly moved to tears. He said, 'I have preached to covert the people to allah. Now I want to preach and help the people to Jesus for the rest of my life.' He said today was the best day of his life. I later had him pray alone for a man who couldn’t bend for 10 years, who had been in pain daily. Hazmal placed his hands on the man and said, “In Jesus name” three times. I told the man to stand and test it out. He was smiling, completely healed.”

Testimony of Matias Tovainen, September 17th
"After arriving at our initial destination, we noted that the location was not optimal for the truck. As a result, we made some moves and changed our location. We moved to a somewhat remote animal market for the Maasai tribe in the shadow of Mount Meru. It was filled with people, and most of them stayed for the duration of the meeting, as there were no other markets nearby. It was hot, dry and dusty. We were inhaling dust and exhaling gospel. One woman even said to me that I am sweating like a big pig! This of course made me glad that they were not selling pigs in that animal market. I preached my heart out on the urgency of the call of Jesus, and I gave an invitation to receive God's free offer of salvation. To my surprise, out of this crowd of hundreds, only one person made his way to the front. I was amazed at why the response was so small even though the people were responsive and clearly moved. Regardless, I reminded myself of how Heaven rejoices at even one sinner's repentance. So I celebrated it also, and led him to the Lord with a smile and a heart full of love. However, after we moved on to pray for the sick, more and more people kept coming to the front to receive salvation and fill out their decision cards, one by one. They had just had trouble coming at first because they couldn’t leave their goats and cows. Finally, many more Maasai individuals were saved in that meeting, and the angels rejoiced all the more!"

Testimony of Devin Barrett, September 19th
“On Saturday, September 19th, we made our way to a boarding school. This school was a large school, just like many other schools we had visited, but this time I had a feeling we were about to see the glory of God invade. I mentioned what I felt to our team and we prayed that God would move in a powerful way. Salvations took place and hands went up everywhere. I was up front to speak about the Holy Spirit, and had just finished preaching about Him. I asked people to come forward. We began to pray for the children, asking Jesus to fill them with the Holy Spirit, when the tangible presence of God filled the room. It was a holy moment! We continued to let the presence of God touch the kids, and got permission to be able to place our hands on them and pray. Children were crying and in tears. One girl fell out after a team leader prayed for her, and she began to manifest a demon. With our time running out, we had to close before we wanted to. But this did not stop God from doing more in the lives of these kids. As we were beginning to leave, the girl who had originally manifested in the meeting was brought to us and we began to pray again. On the ground she went again, rolling in the dust. I was praying over a few other students while it was going on, who were sobbing their eyes out. We continued to praise Jesus as they were being filled with the Holy Spirit. That young girl was restless until God spoke to our hearts to sing the song, ‘Jesus Loves Me’ over her, and in no rehearsed way or form. The very last line of that song caused the manifesting to stop, and the girl fell asleep right there in the dust behind our vehicle. She ended getting up a few minutes later with tears of happiness coming down her face. Amazing as it had been, there were still more children asking for prayer right there behind our vehicle. So we laid hands on them and let the Holy Spirit do what He wanted to do. At one point [after being prayed for], there were 3 girls laying on the ground behind our vehicle. Another young boy was set free from a demon as well, and was beyond grateful to Jesus for setting him free! This went on for about an hour (praying over a small group of children). After seeing what happened, and after hearing from them, their lives will be changed forever.”

Testimony of Paul Pemberton, September 19th
“Yesterday was a hot and dry Saturday out in the Tanzanian bush, as our group of four were out visiting boarding schools to preach the Gospel. We just finished preaching at a school, with many Muslims seeing many wonderful salvations. We then headed out on a long dusty road to our next school. Shortly after we arrived through the gate entrance, a group of students showed up. They mentioned that they were traveling from another school and came there to play sports. We began talking about sports, culture, favorite foods, and eventually moved onto talking about Jesus. I asked them if any of them had a relationship with Jesus and they all appeared to raise their hands. I then shared about the importance of witnessing to others, As I  led the group in simple tips to sharing their faith, with questions like "Is there anything that I can pray for you today? I feel God's love for you, do you know Jesus loves you?" Afterwards, one of the students practiced witnessing to one of his friends. He got to the point of salvation and I said, "Now ask him if he wants to have a relationship with Jesus". As he stumbled on what to say I took over and began preaching the Gospel to everyone. Afterwards, I said to the group "Now if you want a relationship with Jesus raise your hand." Everyone participated in the prayer as we all invited Jesus in.  After praying, I asked, "Was this anyone's first time doing that?" To my surprise, one of the quietest ones in the group, a young man named Kendrick, raised his hand. He shared that he had never given his life to Christ until today, after hearing the Gospel message. Shortly after this we found out we wouldn't be preaching at that particular school today due to a scheduling issue. As we drove away, I realized our arrival there was not for the crowd, but for the one.” 

The future is bright-God touching the next generation!
The Holy Spirit is ministering to the next generation in Tanzania! Bootcamp Graduates and an entire team of evangelists are witnessing thousands of children surrender to Jesus and receive the power of the Holy Spirit.


Watch the recap video for week 2 in Tanzania.

We have now seen over 100,000 people surrender to Jesus after two weeks in Tanzania for the Bootcamp Initiation! We will still have one more week on the ground with the team of evangelists. Please pray for perseverance and continued health for everyone.

Jako Hugo and Karin Hugo have worked with Christ for all Nations for many years at our Gospel Crusades. In between the crusades, they would preach the Gospel, and have led thousands of children to Jesus. Right now Jako and Karin are coaches in Tanzania to our Bootcamp Graduates, helping them to do the same!

This is what it's all about!
God is raising up an army of evangelists to reach the next generation for Jesus! This is what it’s all about.

Testimony of Lilliana Alvarado, September 22nd – School Outreach
It was September 22nd, and my 2nd day of school ministry. As my team and I drove into a small private school, we were met at the gate by a friendly man with a big smile, who welcomed us in and led us to the head teacher. God gave us favor with the head teacher, who gave us permission to speak to all the students. To our surprise, however, there were only 22 students in the school. This was unusual for us, as it is normal for us to speak to hundreds, even thousands of students at once. I knew that this time would be one of a kind! All the students were brought into one classroom, and we were all required to remove our shoes prior to entering. It was a very intimate setting, and I could sense the Lord was going to do something special. My coach, Gary Smith, opened the meeting, and then I began to preach the gospel. I felt the Lord urging me to preach with just as much energy and fervor as if I was standing before hundreds of thousands. I shared the gospel using a little paper boat. I passionately proclaimed how Jesus purchased us with His blood to redeem us to himself. During the altar call, nearly every person in the little room raised their hand, including the teachers. Immediately after I was finished speaking, one of the teachers took me by the hand and pulled me aside. She began telling me how she used to walk with God and be so close to him, but she had strayed so far from him recently. She began to cry, and as the tears streamed down her face, this dear teacher told me that she felt like God spoke directly to her through our presentation, and she wanted to give her heart back to Jesus. My heart swelled with joy as I prayed with her to rededicate her life to the Lord. As soon as I finished praying for her, another teacher tapped me on the shoulder and, through her tears, told me how she also wanted to return to the Lord and rededicate her life to him. As I prayed for her, I felt the passionate love of God being poured out over us. The presence of God was tangible and so sweet. Two prodigal daughters had returned home [to Father God]!! As if this wasn’t already thrilling enough, it so happened that as I was praying for these two precious teachers, my coach, Gary Smith was speaking to the man who greeted us at the gate, who was a Muslim. Gary received a word of knowledge about his back pain and prayed for him. Instantly, the man’s back was healed, and he testified that he had no more pain. Gary began to share the gospel with him, and point to the fact that Jesus loves him so much. The Holy Spirit did His wonderful work in this man’s heart, and this man, who was a Muslim when we arrived, received Jesus into his heart and was radically born-again! My team and I felt absolutely elated and overjoyed. Before we left the school, I could see the light of Jesus in his eyes. He was full of hope and smiling with such a holy brilliance. The gospel is good news and when it is preached, it happens!! Glory be to Jesus!! 

Testimony of Matias Tovainen, September 22nd – Village outreach
I went to the side of the road where I noticed a Muslim woman wearing a full burka, and reading Islamic literature. I approached her and began to share the good news of the cross with her. As soon as I was finished, she took off her glasses, put her prayer book down in the dirt and began weeping in front of everyone in the middle of the market. She was so touched by the message of Jesus, that she fully surrendered her life to Christ and declared: "For 50 years I have been following the wrong way, but now you have brought me the truth, and I will always follow the right way. Thank you so much for coming to share with me!’’ It was an incredible deliverance from darkness into light, and from slavery into freedom. For a couple of hours she was being deeply touched by God. At the end of our time together, she took off her face covering as a sign of being delivered from slavery into the arms of a God, who sees her as His child and loves her. However, it kept getting better. As I left her to go and eat lunch, another Muslim woman nearby interrupted me and said: "Don’t you go anywhere, as I need prayer also!’’ I, of course, was happy to get down in the dirt with her and pray for her injured arm and knee. Jesus healed her completely! After this, I shared with her the gospel message, to which she replied: "I will also leave Islam and follow Jesus!’’ Afterwards, I saw these now former Muslim women, who hadn’t known each other, leaning against each other and in love, like sisters.

Testimony of Eric Dykes, September 22nd– Village Outreach
As we arrived on this very special day on September 22nd. As soon as we got out of the car, we noticed a boy that needed prayer. As we started to pray, about 40 people surrounded us. We knew it was time to "cast the net," so we preached the Gospel to them! And all of them received Jesus as their Lord and Savior! Many were healed and delivered, but there was one very special part of this story. There was a man that was running toward the large group straight toward us. As he was running, he fell to his knees, and lifted his arms to heaven and said aloud: “I want to be free!” Hallelujah! And as he received Jesus, he did something very interesting. There was a bracelet on his wrist. And he violently took the bracelet off of his wrist and threw away from himself. When my friend asked what that was, the man said, “it means I was a drunkard but now I am free in Jesus' Name!” Can you say Amen!

Testimony of Joe Franklin, September 24th – School Outreach
“September 24th, 2020. Everyone say it with me: September 24th, 2020. This is the day of your salvation. Never forget today!,” encouraged Gary Smith, our team coach for the day. I stood in shock. I was amazed! We had just shared the gospel and delivered the free gift of the Holy Spirit to over 4,000 kids! The courtyard was electric with the presence of God. The dust from the feet running to the field was palpable. But let’s go back to the beginning. It all started with us seeing a school that we did not originally see on the map. We went in and talked to the Head Madem, who was delighted to have us speak. She had the students assemble in the courtyard. They kept coming and coming, until the whole courtyard was full of 4,000 students. Construction was happening in the middle where we were standing, but the students didn’t seem to care as they crowded in. The construction men stopped their work. We had a concrete stage to stand on that started out large, but got smaller as time went on. We set up the speakers and waited for the "thumbs up" to start. To me, it was so nerve-racking preaching the gospel to that many children! The children hung on every word, receiving it with an open heart. Jesus was knocking on the door of every heart! The students began to crowd around the stage with every part of the story, which is when the stage shrunk! By the time it came for the children to receive Holy Spirit, the stage was a 1-foot circle. Children crowded around. Some began to push, and as our time was running short, we had everyone close their eyes and pray! The Holy Spirit began to come like He always does. Students we saved, healed, and delivered. Many received the Holy Spirit with power. Coach Gary closed it out by saying “Remember today, the day of your salvation! September 24th, 2020.” That was the day that 7,956 kids had the opportunity to come to know Jesus, and to be filled with the Holy Spirit! Four thousand students at one school! It was breath taking, and so humbling to watch so many open their hearts to Jesus. And then, to even open their arms wide to receive the Holy Spirit! I will never forget September 24th, 2020, the day so many received Jesus. 
2 Corinthians 6:1 “...Today is the day of salvation...” 

Testimony of Lauren Clark, September 27th – Village Outreach
A lady called us over and asked us to pray for her feet, knees and back. After praying, she got up and walked! Then, two Maasai men asked us to pray for their knees, which we did. Afterwards, they said that they were healed also. People started coming over from a nearby meeting, asking prayer for feet and knees, etc. All but one lady said she was healed. As we were, attempting to leave, some people stopped me. They pointed to an elderly man, who had come who was blind in one eye. His left eye actually was shut. He could only see out of his right eye. I laid hands on his eye and prayed, and Jesus opened his eye! He opened it physically, as well as restoring his sight! He shared with us that he had gone to the largest hospital in Kilimanjaro, where the doctors told him he was blind and there was nothing that could be done. That he would never see out of that eye again. But Jesus said differently and caused the blind to see. Praise God! It was glorious! We tested the miracle. He held his hand over his good eye, and I held up fingers and he was able to tell how many fingers I was holding up. We kept moving further back, away from him at different distances, and he was able to see. Hallelujah!! It was Glorious. Jesus heals today! He is alive!!

Testimony of Devin Barrett, September 27th – Village outreach
One day while we were holding multiple meetings in an area, we looked for a new spot to share the gospel. After almost 2 hours of searching for a spot, we ended up back where we began. There was already a new crowd there in this market to preach too. With the smell of smoke and people dancing to the music, there was a man who was very distracting and acting crazy. Our leader Paul took him aside, however, the man saw me and wanted to talk to me. I pulled him aside to try to listen to him with the translator, however, the translator said he made no sense. But the man did have a note that said that he needed to find a church. Now, I have to say, it is not unusual for there to be a distracting man at these truck meetings in the marketplace. There is always someone who seems to show up and be a distraction there. And as always, I usually prayed over them, although generally not much happened. So I asked this man if I could pray for him, just like I would to any other distracting person. He said yes. So I prayed a very simple prayer that didn’t cause me to feel extra spiritual in any way. I prayed, Jesus come. Holy Spirit come." As a result, he opened his eyes and started to cry! He began to say “I remember now. I remember my name, I remember my kids, I remember my house.” He said, "I felt something leave my mind when you prayed." He then gave his life to Jesus, and after that, invited the Holy Spirit to live in him. The meeting was going on in the background as I continued to minister to this man. At the end of the meeting, he looked at me and said, “I am free.” I blessed him, and he went in his way. This is just one of the amazing miracles that we see on the trucks, and it’s beautiful to be a part of what God is doing here. The gospel truck ministry is hard at times. There’s a ton of dusty, many distractions, and the people’s hearts can be hard. But wherever we go the gospel is preached, people are saved, healed delivered. In Jesus' name!


The third and final week of the CfaN Bootcamp Initiation has come to a close. What a powerful and life-changing three weeks it has been not only for the Bootcamp Graduates and coaches, but for the thousands of people who received salvation, healing, and deliverance (over 165,000 salvations!) The cities in Tanzania have been rocked by the Gospel, and we are excited for the upcoming crusades in Tanzania in November!

Testimony of Jenny Carroll , September 30th  - Marketplace Outreach
This week I have been on ministering at the marketplace outreaches. On Thursday when we reached the market, and a number of us were invited into a room which was selling hot food. The owner welcomed us, and others shared who we are and why we had come. We found out that she had pain in her ankle, and it appeared swollen. I was volunteered to pray and as I stooped down to lay hands on her ankle, I suddenly realized that my mind had been elsewhere. Nevertheless, I prayed a simple prayer in faith trusting that, despite my lack of preparedness, the Lord would answer. After all, I reasoned to myself, it is God who does the healing and not our own efforts. Sure enough, as the lady was asked, she replied that the pain had gone. I asked if it had gone completely and she replied that it had. I then asked if she was saved and she said no. Having been healed, she also wanted to be saved, and then prayed with us to make Jesus her Lord and Saviour with no hesitation. This was followed by many more hours of prayer and conversations. This was my first day with a translator, Francisco, as he was no longer needed by others who had paired up. I didn’t need much translation as the conversation was spoken mainly in Swahili. It was good to hear him share the gospel and answer people’s objections well. As time was running out, we began speaking with some young ladies at a stall on the corner. They each said that they were saved. I wasn’t at all convinced that this was the case with some of them, although one seemed to genuinely know the Lord. So we shared the gospel, and then asked them questions to make them think. Despite this, they didn’t want to respond. Time was up and we turned to leave, but a new voice from behind called us back. A young man had been listening at the adjacent stall around the corner. He shared that his friends were unsaved. The gospel was shared once more, and by the time we left, there were more souls saved. Although we ended up being late back to the rest of the team, but the Bible does say in 2 Corinthians 6:2, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 

Testimony of Matias Toivainen, October 1st - School Outreach
On October 1st, 2020, I remember laying in my bed as a young 20-year-old, and telling the Lord what a privilege it would be if I could lead 1000 people to Jesus before I turn 30. Well, here I have somehow ended up one year later at 21 years old, and I just got to lead that 1000 people to Jesus in twenty minutes! It is truly incredible what the Lord can do with our simple "yes", and with our little loaves and fish. This week I have been doing the school outreaches, visiting every school we can find and preaching the gospel to the future of Tanzania. We give them a simple gospel message, including a call to repentance and following Jesus, and then pray for the Holy Spirit to fall on every student. Today, together with my partner, we visited eleven schools and spoke to about 8000 students. A massive number of students of all ages responded to the gospel message and decided to follow Jesus. Many of them are Muslims also! One of the schools was in the middle of taking their exams when we arrived, but the staff decided to ring the emergency bell in order to get every class to assemble together to hear about Jesus. What a great reminder of the urgency of the gospel. We believe that it is an emergency protocol. We have no time to waste as people are sleepwalking into hell and we cannot merely sing them lullabies. Now is the day of salvation! It has been a truly incredible week watching waves of salvation and joy sweep through the schools. The students are so happy to respond to Jesus, and the teachers are so happy to see their young ones find life in Him. Thank you so much for your prayers and support! Together on the mission, Matias Toivainen

Testimony of Joe Franklin, October 2nd – Gospel Trucks
The gospel goes forth into the atmosphere every time we preach. This past week has been amazing as we have ministered with the gospel trucks. Many people across, many markets have heard the gospel. I will always remember our last time out through! Before we got out of the car, we prayed in the Spirit, and built ourselves up to finish strong. As we got out of the car, a small dust cloud formed. We walked to the big truck as the music blared. With massive smiles on their faces, the dancers were preparing people to hear the gospel. The dancers give their all every time they perform. The people’s hearts soften with each move of their feet, it seems. When the song finishes, Andrew steps up to preach the gospel. The crowd seems to hang on his every word. He does a fantastic job, as many came to salvation. We played a powerful song, "Hallelujah," sung by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda. The presence of God filled the market as many filled out decision cards. Then it was my time to pray for the sick. I invited all who were sick to come join me at the front. About ten people came forward with various ailments. I began to share about the goodness of God, and how God had just healed a man with back pain for 9 years during our previous meeting. Yesterday, Jesus healed a man with pain in his body for many years from diabetes, and he left without any pain. Jesus began to fill the market even more. I pointed the people to Jesus and declared the works of the devil broken. Then I began to pray and break the works of the devil, and a woman with a baby on her back, started to fall down under the power of God. Someone caught the baby quickly. Another person caught the woman. She began to manifest even more as I prayed and broke every curse and every sickness. Jesus began to break through. After I finished praying, I had everyone check their body. Many began to do things they could not do before. It was incredible! One woman had pain in her leg and blurry eye vision. After we prayed, she could see better and all the pain was gone! The woman who manifested the demon, came up and proclaimed Jesus as her Lord and savior! Jesus completely set her free. She got up off the ground free. One of my fellow evangelists led her to Jesus. We then did another altar call and five people gave their lives to Jesus. It was an amazing last market outreach. Jesus is so good. It is God's will to heal, and He still heals today. Jesus still sets the captives free!  (Luke 4:18-19)  

Testimony of Bill Ferguson – Gospel Trucks
It has been an awesome and exciting time here on the mission field in Arusha, Tanzania. Our Bootcamp grads' 2020 Initiation Trip under Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations, has been  a life-changing experience. I would recommend Bootcamp 2021 for all evangelists to experience. This week I was preaching from the gospel trucks. One notable testimony happened when I went to pray for an older woman. I sensed the Holy Spirit wanted me to say to her that she had a curse over her life. I told her that Jesus is here to break the works of the devil and set her free. She told me that many times in her life she felt that there was a snake at the back of her neck, that curled around and went into her stomach. After I prayed for her, she said she felt the snake leave her body out of her neck and stomach. She was completely healed and afterwards gave Jesus all the glory! Also this week while we were preaching, a man came by and heard our gospel message. He then came over to the truck and gave his life to Jesus. He said he was in the hospital for months and could hardly walk on is legs. He went to a witch doctor who could not heal his legs. I prayed in the name of Jesus and Jesus broke the works of the devil over his life and he was completely healed. He testified that the witch doctor could not heal him; but that Jesus had healed him that day! When I was preaching on healing in the market this week, a number of people came up for healing. After I prayed for a group of people, then I felt to lay hands on them and pray. Many people were slain in the spirit. The power of God broke out and some were crying, and many testified that they were completely healed! God is awesome and praise His name!  

Testimony of Devin Barrett – Marketplace Outreach
This is Moriah. Today in Tanzania, Africa, God rongine plan in our encountering this woman. This morning, before we went to the marketplace we prayed. I heard a few words in my spirit such as "left eye," "knee pain," and the name "Moriah." I was not feeling anything out-of-the-ordinary, and I honestly doubted that I had just heard the voice of God. But in faith, I wrote the name down and everything else I heard and put the note in my pocket. We had finally hit the markets and had been praying for people. We had been seeing healing and salvations. God was on the move! In one particular place I had asked the owner of the shop if she knew anyone named Moriah. She told me her daughter’s name was Moriah, but that she had passed away. I asked if she knew anyone else of that name? And she said, “Yes, in fact an old lady rents from me with that name as well!” She then told a kid to take us to her. While on the way, I honestly still was in doubt, thinking could this be the woman that God wanted me to encounter today? After a 10-minute walk we finally came to a house of mud and sticks. An old woman sat outside, and as we got closer, I could see that her left eye was cloudy! Right away my faith grew, and I knew that we had found the right woman, and that God was about to do something amazing! We explained what happened and how we came to her. She said Moriah was her name, and that she was blind in her left eye and that her knees were very badly in pain. She related that a year ago she had fallen, and since that time she went blind, with nothing but darkness in her eye and so much pain in her knees. We witnessed her literally pick up her knees with her hands to be able to move her legs. We began to pray and after the second time we prayed, her eye opened up! She began to tell me the number of fingers I had up with her left eye. She saw light and could see me at a distance. We prayed more times for her sight to be restored as it was still a little blurry at a distance, but it got better. We prayed for her knees to be healed and I asked her to stand up. She pushed our hands away and got up all by herself, completely pain free! The love of God for this woman completely amazed me - that God had planned to heal Moriah today and led us right to her. God Is Good and Jesus is a healer! Hallelujah!


Five Gospel Crusades in just two weeks!
Kahama, Tabora, Shinyanga, Tanzania
November 12th - 15th, 2020



Tabora, Tanzania will be shaken by the power of God! Evangelist Jared Horton takes you behind the scenes, and will be preaching alongside me over the next few days.

In this video, hear from Crusade Director Lukas Repert in Kahama, Tanzania.

We have organized five Gospel Crusades for the next two weeks in Tanzania! Hear from Gary Smith, one of the guest evangelists speaking in Shinyanga!



What has happened tonight has been the culmination of more than two years of planning in obedience to the word of the Lord. You may recall that I felt the Lord speak to me that we should multiply laborers for the sake of the harvest. So we have been working diligently behind the scenes, building multiple sound systems (that you helped us build), training up new technicians, crusade organizers, and evangelists. Our many “Pre-Crusade Mobilization” initiatives were part of the planning and testing phase. The Evangelism Bootcamp was also launched as part of this strategy. But TONIGHT OPERATION DECAPOLIS LAUNCHED! Tonight three simultaneous crusades started in three different cities. Next week, two more crusades will be conducted, in two more cities, for a total of FIVE CRUSADES IN FIVE CITIES over a period of TWO WEEKS! Throughout the next two weeks, I will be traveling from city to city, preaching one or two nights in each location where a crusade is already ongoing. This is true multiplication – and it is only the beginning!

The testimony line grew longer and longer as people were excited to tell what the Lord had done for them. There was a lady that had a tumor in the lower part of her stomach. She had just been to the doctor’s office only 2 weeks ago to schedule an appointment for the removal of the tumor. The tumor caused much pain, and she testified that the tumor was gone and that there was no pain. With much excitement and joy, I told her that she does not need to have the operation any longer because the great physician just performed surgery on her free of charge! Hallelujah. Another woman testified that her sight, and her ability to walk, was restored. This lady was not able to see further than just a few feet in front of her, and during prayer, her eyes completely opened, and she was able to see the back of the stadium, which was over 100 yards in the distance. I’m in complete joy and celebration of all that the Lord has done in the city of Shinyanga and I'm excited for the 3 days to follow in this crusade. I know that each night will grow and grow from glory to glory.


Evangelist Jared Horton writes: “I just made it back to the hotel and all I can say is…WOW. I knew there would be a lot of people at the crusade, but to walk onto that platform and see a massive crowd in front of you is a lot to take in all at once. It is something that brings tears to your eyes. Just seeing all the beautiful Tanzanian people so hungry for God and so open to what we have to say is amazing.

Tonight in Tabora, Tanzania, I preached a simple Gospel message, and right as we began to pray the prayer of salvation, literally all over the field people began to manifest demons. Immediately, the ushers began to carry them through the crowd to the deliverance tent. Being this was my first time to preach a crusade of this size on the platform with Christ for all Nations, I was a little taken back by what I was seeing happen before my eyes. I almost did not know what to do for a few seconds. Then over the microphone, I simply asked the Holy Spirit to come. I began to plea the blood of Jesus over the field and rebuke every demonic spirit, then quietly waited on the Holy Spirit to finish His job. After things calmed down a little, I reverently continued with the decision cards. It was truly a Holy moment on the field. 

After the people prayed the prayer of salvation and filled out decision cards, I came back and prayed for the sick. Here are a few of the outstanding testimonies:

  • A man who had only 10% hearing in both ears for 19 years received complete healing when both of his ears opened up.
  • 3 people who were carried on the field because they could not walk; walked onto the platform to testify and demonstrate their healing. One of them was unable to walk for 5 years, another was unable to walk for 2 years, and the other was unable to walk for 5 months.
  • A lady who had fibroids in her stomach received complete healing as they disappeared during the prayer for the sick.
  • A man's right arm was numb for 1 year. During the prayer, all the feeling came back to his arm.
  • For many years a lady’s right arm was numb and only had 25% mobility. After we prayed, all the feeling came back into her arm, and she could use it as normal.
  • After the meeting, Bootcamp graduate, Evangelist David Clementi prayed twice for a deaf man, and after the second prayer, both his ears popped open.
  • The local Pastors were greatly pleased with the outcome of the first night. The fact that God showed up in such mighty power is an indicator of what is going to happen in the next 3 nights!”


    Evangelist Paul Maurer writes: “Tonight I preached a simple Gospel message and had a tremendous response. Thousands gave their lives to Jesus! It was a beautiful sight to see so many Tanzanians give their lives to Christ.

    When I started praying deliverance prayers, demons began to manifest all over the crowd. Demonized people began screaming, shrieking, and rolling around on the ground as the demons responded to the name of Jesus. I heard that witchcraft is very prevalent in the area, and I guess that explains why so many needed deliverance. The team told me that the ‘snake pit’ was overflowing with people! It was a joy to hear reports of them getting set-free!

    There were some notable healings:

  • One woman could not walk properly for 18 years. She said she was very stiff, and people had to help her move around. For the past 2 years, she was in a lot of pain, felt weak, and had to use a stick to walk. After prayer, she was completely pain-free and no longer had to use her walking stick.
  • One man had epilepsy for more than 10 years. He said during the healing prayer he felt the power of God go into his body, and he believed that Jesus healed him.
  • One woman had been in severe pain from gout in both of her legs. She had been on a very strict diet so that she could get better. She also could not sleep because of the gout. During the healing prayer, she said she felt the power of God enter her body and all of her pain left! As she was sharing her testimony on the platform, I saw a tear appear on her eye. It wasn’t tears of sadness but tears of joy because she was so thankful for what Jesus did for her.
  • At the end of the meeting, a mother came up to me with tears in her eyes. Her son was 3 years old, and he never spoke a word in his life. Tonight he spoke for the first time and said the word “Mama.” She was so happy!
  • DAY 2 - REPORT


    Tonight I preached in the city of Shinyanga, Tanzania – the first of the five cities where I will preach over the next two weeks. It is so amazing to me that this is happening despite the worldwide pandemic. It’s also amazing to see evangelists that graduated from the Bootcamp just a few months ago, like Jim and Kathy Leamon (who have helped organize this event in Shinyanga), taking such a strong leading role in the organization of these amazing events. The crusades in each of the cities are being organized by Bootcamp graduates – and the results have been outstanding.

    After I preached the Gospel I asked three of the Bootcamp graduates here in Shinyanga to help minister to the sick. Micheline Harfouche, Victoria Osborne, and David Rotärmel, all ministered with great anointing, and powerful miracles took place. Tumors vanished, injured body parts were healed, and a man’s deaf ear opened. Victoria had a word of knowledge about a woman with a tumor on her neck. Soon that woman came to the platform and testified of her healing! The other cities had tremendous breakthroughs as well. Here are updates from Daniel King and Jared Horton – the evangelists that preached tonight in the other two cities:


    Evangelist Jared Horton writes: “…Tonight I preached on the blood of Jesus Christ! Before the meeting, the locals gave me a list of the false gods of this city. As I was going over my notes with the interpreter, I told him that we were going to call out each false god by name and break their power over the city in the name of Jesus. My interpreter said, “Actually we should not do that, it could cause problems.” Evangelist Daniel Kolenda has told us that sometimes the interpreters are full of fear and are afraid that the witch doctors could put a curse on them if they publicly call out these false gods. As I continued going over the plan for the night, he finally agreed to go through with it. Later, after we finished our interpreter meeting, I saw him at the end of the container trailer, praying and going after God with great intensity. He was getting prepared for what we were about to do.

    As we called out each false god, again, just like last night, people began to manifest demons all over the field, but this time there were more. Jako Hugo, who has helped with CfaN crusades for 14 years said, has never seen the deliverance tent so full. We believe we are seeing this type of response because of the deep dark area of witchcraft we are in.

    One thing for certain is you can clearly see that the BLOOD OF JESUS AND THE NAME OF JESUS HAS POWER! When we began to call on Jesus in the meeting, people began manifesting all over the field, and one by one, they are carried to the deliverance tents. This is proof that Jesus is winning and the devil is losing!

    After we broke the power of witchcraft over the city, we prayed for the sick. Here are some powerful testimonies from tonight.

  • A lady whose left arm was paralyzed, was miraculously healed. She came on the platform to testify and demonstrate for us how she could use her arm again.
  • A lady who had painful ulcers for one year testified that she was completely healed. All the pain in her body left during the prayer.
  • A lady who was at the meeting last night came today to testify of her healing last night. She had the issue of blood for 20 years. Today she confirmed that she was completely healed!
  • A Muslim lady who had numbness on both legs received her healing and made Jesus Christ her Lord and Savior!
  • A young lady who had pain in her stomach for 18 months was completely healed.
  • A paralyzed lady was carried to the deliverance tent. As soon as she was delivered from demons, she also received her full complete healing.

    Evangelist Daniel King writes: “Today’s crusade meeting was scheduled to begin at 2 pm, but at 1 pm rain was falling from the sky. The Christians knew that people would be hesitant to come if it was raining, so they started to pray. Slowly, the sky cleared and soon the rain completely stopped…

    Tonight I preached on the paralyzed man who was let down through the roof. In Matthew 9, Jesus said three things to him. First, Jesus said, “Be encouraged.” Second, Jesus said, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Third, Jesus said, “Get up, take up your bed, and go home completely healed.” Jesus healed the man’s spirit, soul, and body…

    I gave the altar call, and thousands of people responded by raising their hands. They all wanted Jesus to forgive their sins. After I led them in a salvation prayer, the counselors gave each new believer a book and recorded their names on a decision card. Then I prayed for the sick. First, I prayed for emotional healing, and Jesus encouraged the hearts of many people.

    Then I prayed for physical healing. As I rebuked every pain and sickness, miracles broke out across the crowd. Over a dozen crippled people lifted up their crutches and began to take steps of faith.

    Here are some of the incredible and powerful testimonies recorded:

  • A lady who came to the platform to share her testimony was carrying her crutch in the air. She said she had been unable to walk for ten years, but now Jesus had healed her. The band began to play music, and she danced with her crutch lifted high.
  • A young girl who had an enlarged heart, and was unable to run for over a year, came forward saying that she had been healed. The music started, and she ran back and forth to show that Jesus had healed her.
  • Another lady had pain in her stomach for three months, and pain in her shoulder for over a year. She told the crowd that both problems were healed.
  • A lady who had been paralyzed for one year and nine months, her neighbor brought her to the crusade on public transportation, was healed. Her face had a big smile as she danced with the crowd.
  • DAY 3 - REPORT


    From guest Evangelist, Daniel King:

    “The third day of the crusade in Kahama, Tanzania, started with rain. As the music began, there were only a few people close to the stage. Most people were huddled around the edges of the crusade grounds trying to find shelter from the rain under overhanging roofs.

    We began to pray, “God, please send rain to the farmers, but not to the crusade.” Soon, a breeze stirred and pushed the rain clouds away. When the people saw the clear sky, they left cover and ran forward to find a spot on the crusade grounds.

    I preached a simple Gospel message about how God created us, how He loves us, how He came to save us and how He heals us!

    When I gave the altar call, thousands of people prayed with me to receive their salvation. By lifting their hands they indicated they were ready to turn away from sin and turn toward Jesus. After the salvation prayer, the counselors gave away copies of Reinhard Bonnke’s book, “Now that You are Saved” to all the new believers while taking down their details on the decision card for follow up. Then I talked about the final miracle...‘How God Heals.’

    From guest Evangelist, Paul Maurer:

    “It was raining when we left the hotel for the crusade tonight, and there were grey clouds, but the Lord held back the rain! When we got to the crusade grounds, there was so much joy and rejoicing as people were praising God! Evangelist Daniel King preached a dramatized message called, “The four miracles in the Bible” that really captivated the people. Thousands came to Jesus as the call for salvation was given.

    Tonight, there were so many miracles and healings that the people were dancing to celebrate all that Jesus did!

  • A lady had pain in her legs for ten years. The pain was mostly in her knees, and after prayer, all the pain is gone.
  • A man had a stroke three years ago. Because of the stroke, he could not walk properly, and he had to use a cane. After prayer, he can now walk without a cane.
  • A lady had problems with her eyes. She had a type of double vision. Jesus healed her, and now she sees clearly.
  • A lady had lots of pain in her stomach and her legs. She also had high blood pressure and could not lift her arms because of a shoulder problem. After the healing prayer, all the pain left, and she can now lift her arms.
  • For ten years a lady would have to take injections to eat because of stomach problems. Jesus touched her, and now she can eat without the injections.
  • A lady said she was completely deaf for five years. Jesus touched her, and now she can hear. Her ears were not 100% better but much better.
  • A lady had ringing in her ears for 14 years and had hearing problems. Jesus touched her, and all the ringing was gone, and her ears were completely healed.
  • A lady had blurred vision for five years. It was so bad that she could not see the faces of her children. Her right eye was completely healed, and she can now see.
  • A girl was carried to the meeting by her parents. She was in a lot of pain for the past week, and someone had to help her walk as she could not stand by herself. After prayer, she was healed and can walk on her own.
  • A lady could not walk because of a hip problem. The Doctor said that her hip needed to be replaced. She was in extreme pain. Jesus healed her and now the woman can walk and even dance.
  • A 14-year-old teenage girl was completely deaf in her right ear for three years. Jesus touched her, and now she can hear perfectly. We are so excited by what the Lord is doing in the city of Kahama, Tanzania!”
  • DAY 4 - REPORT


    As we begin our next two Gospel Crusades in the cities of Singida and Arusha tomorrow, I wanted to share one more report with you from Evangelist Gary Smith and his final day of our Crusade in Shinyanga, Tanzania. Please read it below:

    "It was raining all afternoon, and I was wondering if we were going to be able to have the last night’s meeting in Shinyanga. But we serve a mighty God of miracles! I began to pray and command the rain to stop until the crusade was finished, and just about an hour before the crusade started, the rain stopped. The skies all around the city were dark, but as we pulled into the stadium it was sunny and almost all clear skies. After the meeting, I spoke with my translator and he told me that one of the bishops on the platform said, “It’s going to rain. I know it’s going to rain because every time the clouds are that dark on that side…it rains”. While driving, we were praying that the rain would not affect the crusade grounds and that the rain would circle around the crusade field. What an amazing God we serve because that is exactly what happened.

    From Evangelist Gary Smith:

    "It was raining all afternoon, and I was wondering if we were going to be able to have the last night’s meeting in Shinyanga. But we serve a mighty God of miracles! I began to pray and command the rain to stop until the crusade was finished, and just about an hour before the crusade started, the rain stopped. The skies all around the city were dark, but as we pulled into the stadium it was sunny and almost all clear skies. After the meeting, I spoke with my translator and he told me that one of the bishops on the platform said, “It’s going to rain. I know it’s going to rain because every time the clouds are that dark on that side…it rains”. While driving, we were praying that the rain would not affect the crusade grounds and that the rain would circle around the crusade field. What an amazing God we serve because that is exactly what happened.

    Before I shared the Gospel message, we burnt two more barrels full of witchcraft paraphernalia, charms, bracelets, and idol worship items. We all rejoiced in the Lord for destroying the works of the enemy. Then I preached the Gospel. Tonight I talked about the law of sin, death, and the law of salvation. When the salvation invitation was given hands all over the field were raised to receive Christ as their Lord. It’s been amazing to see all the people receiving the Lord over the last four nights of meetings. We literally have seen heaven populated and hell destroyed! Glory to God!

    I asked some of the Evangelism Bootcamp graduates to pray for healing tonight. As Victoria Osborne was praying, she released a word of knowledge for a lady that had come to the meeting with chest pain and that the Lord was healing her now! Jim Leamon also prayed for healing, specifically for creative miracles and commanding legs to grow out! People began coming to the testimony line because they were ready to share what the Lord had done. A woman came and testified that when Victoria was praying for pain in the chest, she took her hand and smacked her chest and said, “I’m getting my healing now!” Immediately she said she could feel the power of God touching her body and that her chest did not hurt anymore. A mother and a son then testified that one of his legs was shorter than the other, and he could not walk without a limp. While he was on the platform, I asked him to walk, and he was walking completely normal. In fact, he began to run across the platform from side to side!

    These nights of meetings have been incredibly powerful, and the Lord has done great things for the people of Shinyanga. At the end of the meeting, I told the amazing people of Shinyanga that we were leaving but that we are rejoicing with them that their country, city, homes, family, and businesses will never be the same again. The city of Shinyanga belongs to Jesus! Hallelujah!" 

    What we have seen already in our first three crusades has truly been historic. We begin our next two Gospel Crusades tomorrow night with high expectations for a tremendous amount of salvations and a great outpouring of the Spirit of God.

    From Evangelist Paul Maurer:

    It rained most of the day today, but it didn’t stop the people from coming to the crusade. The crowd substantially grew tonight. They were hungry for a touch from God. Even when it started to rain a little during the meeting, no one left. Evangelist Daniel Kolenda preached a powerful message and spoke on the law of sin, the law of death, and the law of salvation. Daniel told the people that they must repent and believe the gospel. The people were gripped by this word and when the altar call was given, thousands gave their lives to Christ.

    Then Evangelist Kolenda prayed for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and in a quiet moment, thousands were filled! There was so much hunger coming from the people, and it was a moment I won’t forget anytime soon!

    Several Bootcamp graduates helped pray for the sick and took up testimonies. Jesus healed many:

  • A lady had stomach problems and also had pain in her hands for two years. After prayer, all the pain left her body, and she was completely healed.
  • A lady was born with throat problems. It was hard for her to swallow and eat. Jesus touched her tonight and she was healed.
  • A lady came to the meeting with glasses because of blurred vision, and she also had chest problems. Jesus healed her eyes, now she can see clearly and doesn’t need her glasses, and her chest problems were also healed.
  • A lady had severe pain in her stomach. It was hard for her to eat anything. She also had a hard time breathing and walking. Jesus touched her. All the pain left, and she was completely healed.
  • A lady had pain in her eyes for five years. It was extremely painful, and she said it felt like thorns. Jesus healed her eyes and all the pain left.
  • DAY 5 - REPORT


    We are right in the middle of something that is historical and significant, the Operation Decapolis! It’s the culmination of more than two years of planning in obedience to the word of the Lord. In my very first message to you last week I told you about all the exciting steps that have led to this moment. We are so grateful to have you partner with us in the Decade of Double Harvest! We are truly seeing the fruit right now, here in Tanzania!

    From Evangelist Nathan Morris: ARUSHA, TANZANIA

    “We just completed our first night in the city of Arusha, Tanzania. What an honor it is to join with Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the CfaN team to preach this glorious Gospel!

    As I entered the field tonight, I could immediately sense the anticipation and expectancy of the large crowd that had already gathered, waiting to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I preached ‘Behold The Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world’, and thousands responded to the call of salvation.

    Almost immediately after the prayer, miracles began to happen as the Holy Spirit moved upon the precious people of Tanzania. Many people started to dance and give praise to God as they listened to each testimony of healing!

    Here is just a sample of some of the testimonies we heard tonight.

    A lady who had been blind in her left eye for the last 14 years testified that she had regained her eyesight! She was completely healed as we tested her vision.

    A lady was crying, declaring that the Lord had healed her right ear, which was completely deaf. She testified the power of the Holy Spirit came upon her and opened up her deaf ear.

    A 6-year-old boy who suffered with a growth was brought up to the stage with his mother. She testified how the growth in her son had disappeared from his body!

    More Testimonies

  • A lady came to the meeting with severe pain in her waist. She sold fruit in the market place, and it was frustrating because she could not lift the fruit and other things because of the pain. Jesus touched her at the meeting. The pain left, and she was completely healed.
  • A lady had pain in her head and back for three months. As Daniel Kolenda was praying for the sick, she prayed, “Jesus don’t pass me by.” Soon after, all the pain disappeared, and she was healed.
  • A lady had terrible pain in the back of her foot for one year. It was so bad that when she walked to the meeting tonight she could only put weight on the front of her toes. During healing prayer, Jesus touched her and healed her. She can now walk pain-free!• A lady had pain in her wrist and elbow for 1.5 months. She heard a word of knowledge spoken that God was healing someone’s wrist. Immediately she said she felt something more throughout her wrist and elbow, and she is completely healed.
  • A lady said she had waist pain and had a hard time walking since June. She said that she could not even walk to the crusade on her own. Her 11-year-old son heard about the crusade and said, “Mom if you go to the crusade Jesus will heal you.” During the healing prayer, strength entered her body, and now she can walk without pain!
  • A lady could not walk and had severe pain in her legs for three years. Jesus touched her tonight, the pain left her legs, and she can now walk perfectly.
  • A young girl had severe leg and waist pain for two years. After healing prayer, all the pain left, and she was healed.
  • A lady had itchy skin for some time. It was very severe, and her whole body felt itchy. During prayer, Jesus touched her, and she stopped itching.
  • A man had severe leg pain for ten years. He would sit down, and a few minutes later, he would be in extreme pain. Jesus healed him tonight, and all the pain left.”
  • DAY 6 - REPORT


    From Evangelist Nathan Morris: ARUSHA, TANZANIA

    “My heart is full as we have just finished night two in Arusha, Tanzania. There are no words to fully describe how it feels to see the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ impacting the city of Arusha! Once again, the hunger and expectancy of these precious people was tangible as they waited for the Gospel to be preached.

    Evangelist Daniel Kolenda joined the crusade tonight, and it was my honor to be alongside him and the whole CfaN team. I preached the Gospel, and once again, thousands responded to the call of salvation. Oh, how awesome it is to see the Gospel at work, for it truly is the power of God unto salvation!

    The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way as we worshipped and declared healing over the people! The testimonies of the healing power of God is increasing every night! Here are just a few of the incredible miracles we heard and saw tonight.


  • After a word of knowledge that God was moving in a woman's womb and that the child would not die but live, a woman testified to having three miscarriages in the past and is currently four months pregnant. After visiting the hospital, they told her that they could not find the baby's heartbeat. With tears flowing down her face, she described coming to the meeting believing for a miracle! The power of God came upon her, and she felt her baby move for the first time! Glory to God.
  • A lady who was suffering from diabetes for over 20 years testified she was healed the first night in the field. She went to the hospital this morning after waking up feeling whole, and doctors confirmed that her sugar levels were normal.
  • A young man was healed from back problems that caused his leg to be totally numb, and he couldn't move his leg. After receiving prayer, he was running across the stage, praising God!
  • A young girl couldn't see when she came to the field tonight. God opened her eyes after six years of not being able to see.
  • A lady came to the gospel campaign tonight with crutches due to a broken ankle. After God touched her, she was dancing and running all over the stage, in Jesus name.
  • DAY 7 - REPORT


    Tonight concludes Night Three of our second week of crusade meetings in Arusha and Singida but also our tenth day in Tanzania, where we’ve been preaching the gospel in multiple cities through our ‘Operation Decapolis’ initiative. You may have heard me speak about how in 2017, I felt in my heart that over the next ten years or so, God would double the number of souls saved that we had seen in the previous 30 years, to well over 150 million. And my friend, right now we are witnessing just one of the initiatives that will be implemented to fulfill this vision. It is a supernatural acceleration of the harvest in this crucial hour of history! We are praising God for all He has done the last ten days and are filled with expectancy for our last day of meetings tomorrow! Please pray for the people of Arusha and Singida, that more people will come to the meetings and be saved, healed, and delivered in Jesus’ Name!

    In this Missions Journal, I will share with you the reports from Singida from Evangelists Gary Smith and Paul Maurer, along with the healing testimonies that were reported in Arusha.

    From Evangelist Gary Smith: SINGIDA, TANZANIA

    “The power of God filled the people of Singida, and they will never be the same again! Tonight was the third night of the four-day crusade. We started the meeting off burning more witchcraft paraphernalia and declared that Jesus was Lord over Singida! As I preached the simple message of salvation many people were set free from demons. When I gave the invitation for salvation, hands were lifted high all over the field as they raised their voices and asked Jesus to be Lord of their life. I am still in awe of all the people who have asked Jesus into their life, turning from darkness and to the glorious light! We have seen so many Muslims accepting Jesus. It is beautiful to see the smiles on their faces. Not only have we witnessed thousands of salvations, tonight we prayed for the people to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was so powerful, people all over the field were crying, shaking, speaking in tongues, and demons were coming out of people! I don’t even know how to describe in words what the Lord did tonight. I am still in awe of the Lord's goodness. He loves His people so much and wants them to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that is what happened tonight! Glory to God! Lilliana Alvarado, a CfaN Bootcamp graduate, and I prayed for healing. When we asked the crowd if they had received healing to raise their hands, all over the field, hands were lifted high, and people were rejoicing in what the Lord had done.


  • A Muslim lady who gave her life to Christ tonight was in a lot of pain because of arm problems. She didn’t want to share publicly what happened, but it appeared that her arm was severely burned. Tonight, during prayer, she said she felt coldness go into her arm, and now all the pain was gone! Jesus healed her.
  • A lady had pain in her leg for 15 years, and she could not walk properly. After prayer, she can now lift her knees and walk. She said that Jesus completely healed her.
  • Another lady had multiple things wrong with her. She had stomach problems, and she had lots of pain in her legs and feet. She also had a tumor on her left side. During healing prayer, the tumor left, and all the pain was gone! She was completely healed.
  • A lady had pain for five years in her abdomen. The pain was very bad and so she had surgery one year ago. She said there were complications with the surgery, and the pain didn’t get any better. She said she was always in constant pain. Tonight, Jesus healed her and all the pain left.
  • Three people testified that they were in severe pain because of headaches. One lady said the headaches would get so painful that sometimes she couldn’t hear properly. One man said that his headaches were the result of witchcraft. Jesus touched all three of them, and they were all completely healed tonight.

  • A lady with a brain tumor that had caused her continuous pain for over six years, was healed. She testified that all the pain was gone in Jesus' name.
  • A lady that had taken diabetes medication for over 20 years felt the power of God on Thursday night. She went to the doctor after the meeting and testified tonight that the doctor's report said her sugar levels were normal.
  • Another lady who had suffered from high blood pressure for ten years; was touched by God on the first night. Since then, she went to the doctor, who verified that she was healed and her pressure has been stable with no medications.
  • A man that was paralyzed on the right side of his body for the last three years from seizures was completely healed and danced along as we worshiped God for his healing.
  • A lady with asthma who had to use a breathing pump multiple times a day was healed by God on the first night and testified she hasn’t used the pump for three days.”


    In Singida, we had guest evangelist, Paul Maurer, preach a powerful gospel message and we had our Bootcamp graduates pray for healing and record testimonies.

    From Evangelist Paul Maurer:

    “Tonight the crusade drew to a glorious conclusion! People came wanting a touch from God, and the crowd grew substantially. In my message tonight, I asked the people the following question and formed my message around it: “What are you going to do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?” I said, “every man, woman, and child must answer this question in their lifetime.” At the end of my message, I gave them an opportunity to repent of their sins and make Jesus the Lord of their life, and I was amazed at the response. Many thousands raised their hand to give their life to Christ! More Muslims came to faith in Jesus tonight as well! I heard testimonies from this morning that the churches were already seeing new converts from the crusade! I love the emphasis that CfaN puts on follow-up, discipleship, and getting the people plugged into the local churches. Tonight, I noticed that the deliverance tent was again overflowing with people getting set free from demonic spirits. So many precious people received deliverance and healing this week! After I did a teaching on faith, three Bootcamp graduates (Joshua Hall, Michael-Seth Clifton and Jacob Ebersole) helped me pray for the sick, and the Lord did mighty miracles! I had a word of knowledge that tumors and growths were dissolving tonight, and it was a common theme that many tumors and growths disappeared in the name of Jesus!

    To be able to minister at this crusade as a guest evangelist was the honor of a lifetime. I am so thankful to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and the entire Christ for all Nations team! They work so hard to reach the lost. This week we saw the kingdom displayed with power, and I know the city of Singida will never be the same!”

    From Evangelist Gary Smith:

    “Tonight was the last night of the crusade in Singida, Tanzania. The last two weeks have been absolutely incredible with thousands of salvations, miracles, and people filled with the Holy Spirit. I am leaving Singida rejoicing in all that the Lord has done. I’ve heard several testimonies from the Bishops and Pastors today who are overjoyed as many new believers joined their church this morning. This is worth every dollar spent and every day away from family, to see people saved and planted into the local church. It’s not just making converts but to make mighty disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!

    Evangelist Paul Maurer preached an incredible and powerful message tonight. Around 15,000 were in attendance tonight as the meetings grew in attendance from night to night. When Evangelist Paul Maurer asked for those who wanted to ask Jesus to be Lord of their life, hands were raised all over the field. Again tonight, as with the past three nights, many Muslims were in attendance and asked Jesus into their life - Glory to God! There is such sweet joy in the people in the city of Singida. People did not want to leave the field once the service was over. The hunger of the people to receive more from the Lord is something you cannot describe. Family members were bringing me pictures and clothing items; they were even praying over the phone for their loved ones.

    As I sit in my room tonight, I reflect on the faces of the people...night after night, they race through my mind...I see them encountering the Lord. It reminds me of the day I met my Lord and Savior! A day the people of Tanzania will never forget.

    Jacob Ebersole, Michael-Seth Clifton and Joshua Hall, three of the evangelism Bootcamp graduates, prayed for healing tonight, and many were healed. Here are some of the testimonies:

  • A lady had a growth on her neck for two years, and after healing prayer, it is now completely gone! She had much pain and could not eat well or swallow. Now there is no more pain! She easily took a drink of water and without pain.
  • A lady had a tumor on her left breast. She felt power passing through her body as she was healed. Since 2010 the tumor has caused her much pain. She now cannot find the tumor and has no more pain!
  • Another lady was healed of a chest problem. She used many different medicines, but none worked. She had terrible pain in her chest for two years, and tonight was the first time she was without pain.
  • A lady had pain in her left side and back for two years. On the first day of the crusade Evangelist Daniel Kolenda told the crowd to check their body, and when she checked her body, she was able to move in previously impossible ways. Yesterday she worked for the first time in two years and was very happy. Tonight she said God had completed her healing, and now she has no pain.
  • A man with a leg injury for three months received healing on the second day of the crusade. He says his foot felt like it was on fire and had much pain before the crusade, and he could not walk. Tonight he jumped on the stage with no pain at all!
  • A lady was healed of a leg injury of ten years! She was here the first day of the crusade, but tonight she was completely healed of the pain in her leg! She felt a blessing over her when we prayed. Both legs were hurting, but tonight she has walked and moved with no pain!
  • A lady broke her arm and could not move her wrist or arm, but yesterday she was healed and able to carry her baby for the first time. She felt a cold go into her hand and all the pain left!

    A lady had pain in her legs for 17 years! She had swelling in her legs and had much pain, but tonight all the swelling went down, and she felt a rushing cold go into her legs when we prayed. Tonight all the pain has gone in both legs, and she danced on stage!

    A lady (wearing the covering of a Muslim) named Loveness was born with intense pain in her back, stomach, and head! Tonight she was completely healed, and all the pain has left her body! Before, she could not bend over, but tonight she demonstrated that she could now bend and move with no pain at all! She came as a Muslim, but tonight she has received Jesus! She shouted on stage, “Jesus is Lord!”

    An older lady named Moshi Shabani came with terrible pain in her head since 1989. “I came in with my head so heavy, but now I feel so light!” Her body felt relaxed when she felt a rushing, cold wind over her body and all the pain left her! She danced on stage and rejoiced. She shouted, “hallelujah!”

    A Tale of Three Dreams

    127 attended the 6th School of Evangelism in Orlando, Florida from January 21 – 24, 2019.

    Day of Prayer for Africa - CfaN




    Christ for all Nations, called for an  International Day of Prayer for Africa, on  6 November 2020. The goal was to circle the globe with prayer in 24 hours! Starting in the morning, and working our way around the world, each of our CfaN offices hosted a live prayer session on Facebook and Youtube, and concluded with a  special broadcast from our CfaN Headquarters  in Orlando, Florida.

    Our 2020 Prayer Points for Africa:

    "From the sunrise in the east to the sunset in the west, may the name of the Lord be praised."" - Psalm 113:3

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    The core concern at CfaN is for the gospel to be proclaimed without compromise in Africa. We have not yet fulfilled our calling to take the Good News “From Cape Town to Cairo”. Millions of Africans have never heard the Gospel in such a way that they could really understand it and make a conscious decision for or against it.

    Conflict in Africa

    The African continent is made up of 54 countries – and 14 of them are currently experiencing violent conflicts. War and violence have ongoing, generational effects, causing famine, migration, economic disaster, and the personal, individual suffering of those forced to endure these conflicts.

    North Africa

    North Africa is still firmly in the grip of Islam. Repression of people of other faiths and reprisals against Christians are everyday occurrences. The work of missionaries is made very difficult and conventional evangelistic outreach is virtually impossible in many areas.

    Humanitarian crises

    When infrastructure is poor, natural disasters can have an exponentially greater effect. Africa also carries the greatest burden in numbers of refugees, due to climate change, economic need and conflicts.


    Travel and gatherings have been severely impacted by COVID-19, putting obstacles in the way of preaching and pastoral care. African countries that were already struggling with high levels of poverty and unemployment have been dealt severe blows by the lockdowns.

    Gospel campaigns

    The Lord has been leading us to use new strategies to preach the Gospel to entire regions at a time, but the mass Gospel Campaigns CfaN is known for are still a vital part of that. There are now several different aspects to this evangelism strategy, and we believe we are about to see an exponential explosion in the number of evangelists in Africa, conducting Holy-Spirit-led Gospel meetings and bringing millions to the Lord.

    Daniel Kolenda Live Products CfaN Daniel Kolenda

    During the early weeks of the global pandemic, Evangelist Daniel Kolenda went live on Facebook each week to bring encouragement and strength by sharing from the Word, sharing uplifting times of praise and worship, interviewing special guests, and praying for the needs of those watching live.



    As with all of our other resources, when you purchase from the Christ for all Nations Store, you are helping to support our ongoing worldwide evangelistic Ministry.


    Products CfaN Daniel Kolenda

    Slaying Dragons

    The supernatural realm is very real, and it directly impacts our day-to-day lives. Often spiritual battles lie behind our everyday struggles. Though the spiritual world is invisible, we are not unaware of the enemy’s schemes. Through God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit we are equipped to be more than conquerors through Christ!

    Products CfaN Daniel Kolenda


    Silent Night

    Get ready to relive your fondest Christmas memories and create new ones! You may have heard these songs before, but you’ve never experienced them on such an inspired, and spiritually personal level.


    Products CfaN Daniel Kolenda

    The Boy Whose
    Life Touched Millions Set

    This set is comprised of a coloring and activity book and a hard cover book about Reinhard Bonnke's journey from post-war Germany to the mission-fields of Africa.

    The Invitation and Need

    Gospel Crusade Daniel Kolenda

    There are very few things in life that are truly worthwhile. As John reminds us, “…the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17). What is the will of God? Peter makes it clear that God is, “…not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). There is nothing dearer to the heart of God than souls. Daniel said, “…Those who turn many to righteousness, [will shine] like the stars forever and ever” (Daniel 12:3). If you’ve been looking for something to invest in that pays eternal dividends – look no further. I cannot imagine a better investment in this world!

    Leonard Ravenhill said, “The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity.” I believe the harvest that lies before us is not only the opportunity of a lifetime, but the opportunity of the ages. I want to invite you to stand with us and seize this moment for Calvary’s sake! I am asking you to make a commitment that for the next decade, you will stand with Christ for all Nations to see this massive harvest come in. Would you stand with us?


    We need your prayers. We are in a very real battle and there is resistance. We are pressing forward with all the grace God has given us, but we need your prayers for the CfaN team and our families, spread out across the world, with offices in twelve countries and six continents. Become part of our intercessors group.


    Some of you may be called to join this army of evangelists being sent out into the harvest fields. Maybe you know someone who is called into mass crusade evangelism. I know no better way to launch them than through the CfaN training and Bootcamp. You can find out more about training here: Launchpad.cfan.org.


    Our urgent need at the moment is for a training facility. Presently, we are utilizing our offices in Orlando, but because of space constraints we have only been able to accept 50 students (out of hundreds of applicants). We need to take the limits off quickly if we are going to be able to fulfill the vision. Give towards the Decade of Double Harvest.


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